78702 Neighbors Offer

What is this all about?

We love Austin, we’re thrilled to be here, and we love East Austin in particular!  So, we’d like to support and connect with 78702 businesses by offering them a free initial consultation (for which we usually charge $50), plus 24% off of our first monthly invoice if they choose to retain us.

Why did I receive this voucher?

Basically, either you or your company really impressed one of our lawyers in the past year or so.  That may be because of business you’ve done with them, or it may be because of a conversation you had with them socially, or it may just be that they think your products or services are exceptional!  We love working with people, products, and ideas that inspire and interest us.  We hope you’ll see it as an honor!

What do I have to do to take advantage of the offer?

Just send us an email at inquiries@ybarrapllc.com to start a conversation about what we can do for you.  There’s no requirement or expectation that you will retain us for services after the consultation, or the first monthly invoice, or that you will retain us at all.

What kinds of services can I use the discount towards?

The discount can be used towards any of the services that we offer, whether flat-fee or hourly.  However, we reserve the right to decline a specific project if it is outside the scope of our expertise, if it there are conflicts of interest that cannot be resolved, if it fundamentally offends our principles, or if we otherwise find ourselves legally, ethically, or morally unable to take it on.

What if I need services that take more than a month?

You will be responsible for paying for services rendered beyond the first month at our regular, non-discounted rates.  If a project we do for you may take more than a month (and therefore may be ineligible for the discount on the entire project), we’ll let you know beforehand—this is not a bait-and-switch!  We will still apply the 24% discount to your first invoice, of course.  For larger projects, we may request a retainer if the estimated cost of the project is in excess of $1000.

Can I give my credit to someone else?

The offer is open to any business with a physical presence in the 78702 ZIP Code (subject to the restrictions set out herein).  However, if you have like-minded acquaintances who might be interested in our services and who aren’t in the neighborhood, let us know—we’re always open to discussing favorable arrangements with interesting ventures.

I don’t want to be contacted for any future promotions—how do I get off your lists?

Just drop us an email at inquiries@ybarrapllc.com, and we’ll make sure you don’t receive any more marketing communications from us by mail, and take you off any marketing email lists we have.


Your voucher and this promotion contain attorney advertising, and of course prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.  Unless and until we sign an engagement agreement with you, no attorney-client relationship will exist between you and Ybarra pllc, and there can be no obligation of confidentiality on the part of Ybarra pllc, its attorneys, or employees.  Please do not disclose any information that is confidential or that may merit protection of attorney-client privilege until an engagement agreement is in place between you and our firm.  Last but not least, please see our Disclaimers page for more information about the use of this website and our firm generally.